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keenglish 的博客






2017-10-02 10:09:42|  分类: 默认分类 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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1. discuss with sb   = have a discussion with sb   和某人讨论

2. think + er  = thinker  

3. wise ---- wisdom   智慧   Early to bed, early to rise makes you healthy, wealthy and wise.

4. review  书评                  复习    

5. sense     感觉     make sense    有意义, 合情理

6. by the way    顺便说一下

7. on the way    在……途中   on the way home   

  in a ... way    以……的方式      

  in the way     妨碍   

8. suppose, think , believe, imagine, expect期待,后接宾语从句时否定前移

I dont think Tom is clever.  我认为Tom 不聪明。

be supposed to do   应该做  

You are supposed to be polite to the old.  

9. well-known = famous      better-known   best- known  

10. get into trouble    惹麻烦 , 遇上麻烦

11. run away to  逃到……

run away from  从……逃走 = escape from     

12. die of / from 死于

die for   

die out  灭绝  

dying  奄奄一息的     dead  adj 死的   death    n

13. for a time  一度, 一时

14. be surprised to do   做……感到惊讶

15. be surprised at  +名词   Im surprised at the news.

16. to ones surprise    使某人惊讶的是    To my surprise, he failed the exam.

17. 只能做表语的形容词:  alone, alive, afraid, awake,  ill  

18. south --- southern     east , west , north

19. pay for   付出代价

20. act --- action   activity  

21. everyday = daily     adj  日常的, 每日的  every day  每天

I speak everyday English every day.


语法 II   

2.当动词带有复合宾语(有宾补), 并且宾补是省去“to”的动词不定式时,在被动语态中应加上“to

     e.g. They make us do all the work.

被动句:We are made to do all the work by them.

     e.g. We often hear her sing songs.

被动句:She is often heard to sing songs by us.

     e.g. I saw him walk to school.

被动句:He was seen to walk to school by me.

这些动词真奇怪,主动句中to 离开,被动句中to回来。( let have makefeelsee ,watch, hear,notice)


  3.当动词带双宾语时(一个宾语是指人,一个是指物),将其中指人的宾语提前作被动句的主语时,另一个宾语按顺序照抄下来;如是将指物的宾语提前作被动句的主语,在被动句中则指人宾语前应加“to”或“for” 。常见加to的动词有givesend, teachwrite, show, pass, ask, tell…常见加for的动词有make, draw, buy

  e.g.     He gives me a flower everyday.

  被动1  I am given a flower by him everyday.

  被动2  A flower is given to me by him everyday.

  e.g.     My mother bought me a computer.

  被动1  I was bought a computer by my mother .

  被动2  A computer was bought for me by my                    mother .


S+am/is /are +done

S+was/were +done

S+ can/may/must/should + be+ done

S+ will+be+ done

S+ am/is/are + being + done

S+ have/has + been+ done

S+ was/were+being+ done



1. Whats up = whats the matter/ trouble / problem   = Whats wrong

2. work  工作 不可数     works  著作,作品  

3. describe .... as       把……描写成……  

4. each of us   我们当中的每个人  

5. write a review for  为……写书评

6. What do you think of ... ? = How do you like/ find...?  你觉得……怎么样?

7. not as ... as  不如 , 不及

8. join in / take part in   参加

9. why dont you do  / why not  

10. set up   建立      set out  出发,启程       set off  

11. 疑问词+ to do     

I dont know when to set out.

I want to known where to go.

I dont know what to do = I dont know how to do it.


12. run out   用光, 用尽,  (主语是物 )

run out of  用光,用尽   (主语是人 )

He has run out of his money.  

His money has run out.

13. take ...away   拿走

14. at first  / first of all

15. see sb doing  看见某人正在做某事

16. be pleased with   对……感到满意      

17. be pleased to do  做……感到高兴   Im pleased to see you here. 

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