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keenglish 的博客






2017-12-08 16:28:26|  分类: 默认分类 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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1.  增加到                 rise to / increase to

2. 增加了                 rise by / increase by

3. 四分之一                a quarter         

4. move  使……感动      moving   令人感到的    moved  感到感动

5. 保护……免受的伤害     protect .... from / against

6. 在公共场合             in public / in public places

7. 付出努力去做           make an effort to do  / make efforts to do

8. 某人花时间做某事       it take sb some time to do  / sb spend time doing

9. 沿着街道                      along the road / down the road  

10. 扔掉                          throw away

11. park停车      No parking   禁止停车  

12. unless   如果不   = if ...not    引导条件状语从句  

13. people  集合名词       本身就是复数  eg:  There are 3 people in my family.  

14. make

15. unhappy , untidy , unfriendly, unusual ,   

16. simple 简单的     

17. enough  修饰adj adv 时, 放在adj 或副词之后    eg:  big enough     

18. present  礼物   = gift  

19. the number of  ……的数量  

20. a number of    许多      

21. instead of     代替    (介词 短语 )

22. different    不同的      difference       不同    n  




Today people can u  1   the phone to talk with others almost anywhere on the earth. But when you use the phone, you don’t see the person you are t   2  with. That may c  3    in the future.

Today some people are using a kind of telephone c  4   “Picture phone” or “Vision phone”. W   5   it,  two people who are talking can see each other.

Picture phones can be useful when you have s  6    to show the person you’re calling. They may have other uses in the future. One day you may be able to r______ up a librarian (图书管理员)ask to borrow a book. Then you’ll be able to read the book right over your picture phone. Or you may be able to go shopping t   8  your picture phone. If you see something in the newspaper that you think you want to buy, you’ll go to your phone and call the shop.  People at the shop will s   9   you the thing you’re interested in right over the phone. You’ll be able to shop all over town and n  10   leave your room.



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