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keenglish 的博客






2016-12-26 10:01:26|  分类: 默认分类 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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1. believe / think   用法相同   +宾语从句时, 从句用肯定式,如果接否定式,则要否定前移。

   I think Tom is a good student.

   I don’t think Tom is a good student. 我认为Tom 不是个好学生。

  believe in sb 信仰某人,信任某人

  He believes in God.  他信仰上帝。

2. May 情态动词  

  May I go home now?   Yes, you may.  No, you mustn’t / can’t

3. How long do you sleep every night?   I sleep for 8 hours every night.

4. since  现在完成的标志   

        后接三种形式    1. 过去时间点     since 1990  

                        2. 过去的句子     since we met last year.

                        3. …. ago          since 2 days ago

5. sell sb sth = sell sth to sb  把……卖给……                     

   sale  n   出售,出卖    

on sale  打折出售      The shirt is on sale for 30 dollars.  衬衫打折出售 30美金。

for sale  待售 

6. because   不能so 连用    

  because of  后往往加 名词 

  He didn’t go to school because he is ill.  

  He didn’t go to school because of his illness.   ill 变成名词    illness

7. cost +     This book cost me five pounds.

                     = I paid five pounds for this book.

                     = I spent five pounds on this book.


 This book is worth five pounds.

***8. be worth doing  值得做某事

      This book is (well) worth reading.

9. have a good time  

  It’s a long time 

10. in the county   in the city     in town 

11. How much  多少钱  多少(后接不可数名词)

12. lots of = a lot of  

13. decide to do  决定去做 ……

14. first  副词  首先    前不加the 

15. have the last word 最后拍板,说得算

16. speak to sb 和某人说话       May I speak to Mr. Green.  我能和Green 先生通话吗?


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