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七年级下 重点短语及句子  

2012-04-10 08:59:26|  分类: 七年级英语 下 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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Unit One


1.       笔友                                  pen friend/ pen pal  

2.       来自                                  be from / come from

3.       两个加拿大人                          two Canadians

4.       在加拿大                              in Canada

5.       一辆加拿大车                          an Canadian car

6.       我的笔友来自加拿大。                  My pen pal comes from Canada.

7.       加拿大人说英语和法语。                Canadians speak English and French.

                                          People in Canada speak English and French.

8.       说法语                                 speak French

9.       两个法国人                             two Frenchman

10.   格林先生教他法语。                     Mr. Green teaches him French.

11.   我几乎不会说法语,但会说一点英语。     I can speak little French, but I can speak a little English                       

12.   薯条在法国很受欢迎。                  French fries and very popular in France.

13.   他能用法语给Sam写信。                He can write to Sam in French.

14.   两个日本人                             two Japanese

15.   少儿日语                               Japanese for kids

16.   我叔叔住在日本东京。                   My uncle lives in Tokyo Japan.

17.   他们的是日本人。                       They are Japanese.

18.   美国                                   the United States of America /

19.   在美国                                 in the US  / in America

20.   两个澳大利亚人                         two Australians

21.   澳大利亚人说英语。                     Australians speak English.

22.   一辆澳大利亚车                         an Australian car 

23.   新加坡人说英语和汉语。                 People in Singapore speak English and Chinese

24.   在英国                                 in England/ in the United Kingdom / in the UK

25.   伦敦是英国的首都。                     London is the capital of the United Kingdom.

26.   在许多其它的国家里                     in many other countries

27.   一个有着悠久历史上的国家               a country with a long history

28.   悉尼是澳大利亚的城市。                 Sydney is an Australian city.

29.   巴黎是法国的首都。                     Paris is the capital of France.

30.   纽约非常美丽。                         New York is very beautiful.

31.   她住在加拿大的多伦多。                 She lives in Toronto Canada.

32.   你的笔友住在日本东京吗?               Does your pen pal live in Tokyo, Japan?

33.   你的笔友住在哪儿?                     Where does your pen pal live?

34.   你的笔友住在哪个城市?                 Which city does your pen pal live in?

35.   过着幸福的生活                         live a happy life

36.   住在二楼                               live on the second floor

37.   活到二百岁                             live to be 200 years old

38.   什么语言                               what language

39.   他说什么语言?                         What language does he speak

40.   作为第二语言                           as a second language

41.   这些国家的人们说什么语言?             What language do they speak in these countries?

42.   在世界上                                in the world

43.   同一个世界,同一个梦想                  One worldone dream.

44.   全世界                                  all over the world 

45.   一张世界地图                            a map of the world

46.   我们朋友遍天下                          We have friends all over the world

47.   好恶,爱憎                              likes and dislikes

48.   喜欢做…和做…                          like to do and do / like doing and doing

49.   看起来像                                look like 

50.   他看上去像他爸爸。                      He looks likes his father.

51.   他喜欢他爸爸。                          He likes his father.

52.   他不喜欢英语。                          He doesn’t like English. = He dislikes English.

53.   他是怎样的一个人?                      What is he like?

54.   他很外向。                              He is outgoing.

55.   想要做某事                              want to do / would like to do / feel like doing

56.   我不想吃任何东西。                      He doesn’t feel like eating anything.

57.   他不喜欢英语,是不是?                  He dislikes English, doesn’t he?

58.   今日法语                                French for today

59.   趣味英语                                English is fun

60.   我们的英语世界                          Our world in English

61.   玩得开心                                have fun / have a good time / enjoy oneself

62.   为了娱乐                                for fun 

63.   他有兄弟和姐妹吗?                      Do you have brothers and sisters?

64.   他有兄弟还是姐妹?                      Do you have brothers or sisters?

65.   那是你的新笔友吗?是的,他是。          Is that your pen pal?  Yes, it is.

66.   去看电影                                go to the movies

67.   一点(+ 不可数,表示肯定              a little                          

68.   几乎没有(+ 不可数  表示否定)          little

69.   瓶子里几乎没有水。                      There is little water in the bottle.

70.   几个,一些 + 可数,表示肯定)         a few

71.   很少,几乎没有 + 可数,表示否定)     few 

72.   我在本溪有几个朋友。                    I have a few friends in Benxi.

73.   告诉某人关于……                        tell sb about sth

74.   告诉某人去做某事                        tell sb to do 

75.   告诉某人某事                            tell sb sth

76.   和某人说话                              speak to sb 

77.   给某人写信                              write to sb / write sb a letter/ write a letter to sb

78.   太……而不能……                        too… to 

79.   在周末                                  on weekends

80.   太难                                    too difficult

81.   1111的早上                       on the morning of November 11th

82.   我认为英语不难。                        I don’t think English is difficult.

83.   我没有兄弟和姐妹。                      I don’t have any brothers or sisters.

 = I have no brothers and no sisters.

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