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keenglish 的博客






2011-12-31 09:29:16|  分类: 默认分类 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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1.    ___ is not easy.   (A)      For cook        (B)To cooking  (C)Cooking     (D) Cook

2.  China is a ____country (A)     developing   (B)develop  (C)developed     (D) being developed

3.    The window is ___. (A)   break     (B) to break  (C) breaking (C)broken

4.  Things keep ___. (A)       changed       (B)  changing  (C)being changed    (D)change

5.  The classroom needs____.(A)      clean      (B) cleaned   (C)  to clean  (D) cleaning

6.    Tell ___ back tomorrow. (A)  Pam to come      (B) Pam come  (C)to Pam to come    (D)to Pam come

7.  Before ___ to the radio, he read newspapers.

       (A)  listening (B) listened (C)  he listening    (D) ho listens

8.    Do you love___in bed? (A)    lying       (B) laying (C)lieing     (D) lain

9.    I find this book ____.(A) interesting     (B)  interested      (C)  interest   (D)  more interest

10.  It is time        wheat. (A)    for sow (B)  of sowing (C)     to sow   (D)  to sowing

11.  My brother is here            study English. (A)for (B)ago   (C)  to    (D) by

12.  When was the house        ? (A)      build      (B) has built  (C)  built      (D) has been built

13.  He  made me ___ it again .(A)       to do     (B) do   (C)  that I did       (D) doing

14.  I heard him ___. (A)  say so    (B) says so   (C)  saying so (D) said so

15.  The pen ___ belongs to me.

    (A)  which it is on the table  (B)     lying on the table (C)  is on the table  (D)    which on the table

16.  I'm hungry. Get me something ___. (A)      eat   (B) to eat     (C)  eating     (D) for eating

17.  He is too tired                  any longer. (A)    cannot walk  (B) walking   (C)  to walk  (D) walks

18.  Who taught you ___ a car? (A)     driving   (B) to drive   (C)  riding     (D) to ride

19.  They want the job ___ by the end of the week. (A)  to do     (B) done       (C)  did  (D) to be doing

20.  She enjoys         to light music. (A)    on listen (B) to listening     (C)  listening(D) listened

21. She ___ read her a story.

       (A)  wants that I   (B) wants me for (C)  is wanting that I   (D) wants me to

22.  I've got something ___ you. (A)    tell   (B) to tell      (C)  telling     (D) for telling

23.  Poor Bill couldn't help ___.(A)      coughing        (B) to cough    (C)  that he coughed  (D) cough

24.  I heard them ___ in the room. (A)       talked     (B) talking     (C)  to talk    (D) have talked

25.  He was made ___ . (A)   go   (B) gone       (C) going   (D)to go

26.  He kept me___for many hours. (A)    to wait   (B) wait (C)  waited    (D) waiting

27.  Master Wu teaches us ___ the machine. (A)    what to do    (B) how run (C)  how to run   (D) run

28.  I saw the boy ___ out a moment ago. (A) run  (B) runs (C) to run     (D) ran

29.        She let the children     to play. (A)   going out (B) that they went out (C)to go out(D) go out

30.  we'll have a new hospital   over there. (A)     build      (B) to build   (C)  built (D) building

31.  Have you any other question_. (A)ask (B) for ask    (C)  to ask    (D) asking __?

32.  My father wants me to study ___.

       (A)engineer         (B) for engineer   (C)  engineering   (D) to engineering

33.  These young trees require       carefully.

       (A)  looking after (B) to look after  (C)  look after      (D) looking for

34. You must make them  their homework. (A)       do   (B) to do     (C)  doing     (D)that they do

35.  Please tell him      too hard

       (A)  don't work   (B) to not work   (C)  not to work  (D) not work

36.  My brother keeps ___ my work. (A) to help     (B) help (C)       helping   (D) helped

37.  I hope    him as soon as possible. (A)      see  (B) seeing   (C) to see  (D) to have seen

38.  He is always thinking of    others. (A)    helping   (B) helps      (C)  help         (D) helped

39.  I am sorry   the news. (A) hear        (B) to hear (C)hearing   (D) heard

40.  Joe  wants us ___ .

    (A)  to go along with him  (B)       going along with him. (C)go along with him    (D)  will go along with him

41.  That movie is worth ___.(A)  to see     (B) to look at       (C)  seeing    (D) to be seen

42.  Please ask    and see me.

       (A)  to Bill to come    (B) Bill to come  (C)  to Bill come  (D) Bill come

43.  Her father didn't let her ___ out with him.

       (A)  to go      (B) go    (C)  going     (D) that she Went

44.  Don't you see ___ towards us? (A)      he running    (B) he run     (C) him running   (D) him ran

45.  I heard some very ___ news this morning. (A)  excited  (B) exciting  (C)  being excited       (D) have excited

46.  The teacher told them            make so much noise. (A)      don't(B) not (C)  will not   (D) not to

47.  The room needs ___ before we move in. (A) cleaned           (B) cleaning  (C)  being cleaned        (D) to clean

48.  My little brother is too young dress himself. (A)      that he can't  (B) he can't   (C)  unable to (D) t

49.  The police ___ our car.

    (A)  make the moving of   (B) make us to move (C) made us move     (D) made moving of

50.  I wrote to him ___ his help. (A)     asking for     (B) ask for    (C)  asked for      (D) asking

51.  Do you know ___ the repairs? (A)       to do     (B) how to do     (C)  to make (D) how to make

52  ____a foreign language needs hard work, (A)   Master   (B) Masters  (C)  Mastered (D) Mastering

53.  George helped    tile examination.

       (A)  my passing   (B) me to pass  (C)  for me to pass    (D) that I passed

54.  I've heard him     about you often. (A)  spoke      (B) speaks       (C)  speak     (D) to speak

55.  He  ordered the room       ____.(A)      to sweep        (B) sweeping   (C)  to be swept  (D) swept

56.  I hope you don't ___ mind this evening.

       (A)  going on foot      (B) go on foot (C)  will go on foot     (D) to go on foot

57.  This room is quite comfortable____.(A)   living in  (B) lived in    (C)  to live in (D) to live

58.  The coffee was too hot___to drink. (A)     to him    (B) for   (C)  for him  (D) for to him

59.  He didn't know___or stay at home.

       (A)  to go      (B) if that he should go     (C)  if to go   (D) whether to go

60.  He is always the first one___to school. (A) to go   (B) went  (C) going   (D) gone

61.  It is a pleasure to watch the face of a(n) ___ baby. (A)    asleep    (B) sleep      (C)  sleeping (D) slept

62.  Who is the girl ___ the teacher's question? (A) answer   (B) to answer    (C)       answering   (D) answered

63.  They keep on ___ us letters. (A) to send   (B)  send             (C)  sending  (D)  sent 

64.  I made him ___ what I had told him.

       (A)  repeating         (B) that he repeated       (C)  repeat    (D) to repeat

65.  A secretary's job isn't always easy ___.(A) of to do (B) for doing       (C)  or doing       (D) to do 


66.  He had a curious way of ___ his classes' lively and interesting.

       (A)  make            (B) made     (C)  making         (D) having made

67.  I arm going to have my radio. (A)  fixed      (B) to fix       (C)  fix   (D) fixing

68.  The girl ___ the bicycle is Jane.

       (A)  riding on         (B) driving in    (C)  driving on     (D) riding in

69.  This dish-cloth is___for me to- dry the dishes. (A)  so wet  (B) wet enough  (C) as wet  (D) too wet

70.  It's dark without the lights.  Let's____.

       (A)  to turn on them   (B) turn them on (C)  to turn them on   (D) turn on them

71.  She needs the work   before tomorrow. (A)       done      (B) do  (C)  be done (D) be doing

72.  Many things ___impossible in the past are common today.  

       (A)  considered   (B) to consider    (C)  considering  (D) being considered

73.  He  has a strong  desire       a member of the Communist      Party.    

       (A)  become (B) became        (C)  to become    (D) becoming    

74.  Before we know___rain, we must know why it ___ rains.

       (A)  how to make       (B) what to make       (C)  how making (D) that to make

75.  My husband never lets me        alone. (A)       to travel (B) to traveling     (C)  traveling (D) travel     

76.  I haven't got a chair ___.

       (A)  to sit      (B) for to sit on   (C)  to sit on (D) for sitting

77.  Ask him to go to the post office ___ some stamps.

       (A)  to get            (B) for getting    (C)  in order he gets (D) that he gets

78.  He was___tired to go any further. (A) too    (B) too much (C)so      (D) so much

79.  That's really kind ___ .

    (A)  of you to say so   (B) for you to say so  (C) of you saying so   (D) for you saying so

80.  The paddyfield machines  ___ by this factory are small in size.

       (A)  produced  (B) producing       (C)  to produce   (D)  are produced

81.  He came ____.

       (A)  drunk home last night (B)home last night drunk(C)   home drunk last night(D)  last night home drunk

82.  My watch is broken.  I must have it____.

       (A)  repairing         (B) to be repaired   (C)  to be repairing     (D) repaired

83.  You must pay attention to ___ the works of Lu Xu.       (A)  read       (B) reading (C)  reader    (D) be read

84.  I wanted___your friend, but my car broke down on     the  way. (A)       meet      (B) meeting  (C)  to meeting       (D) to meet

85.  Is it necessary ___ the book immediately?

    (A)  for him to return  (B) that he returns (C) his returning (D) to him return

86.  Tim sat near the fire ___ warm. (A)     for to get      (B) for get   (C)  to get     (D) for getting

87.  English is not too difficult____ .

       (A) for learning           (B) learn      (C)  to learn  (D) learning

88.  Edison      scientific experiments

       (A)  interested to  (B) was interested in  (C)  is interesting  (D) was interesting in

89.  He was___help me at the moment.

   (A) too busy to    (B) enough busy to  (C) very busy to  (D) busy enough to

90.  The book___by the famous writer is being printed at the factory.

   (A)   wrote  (B) write  (C) written  (D) writing

91.  She desires not___for an hour.

       (A)  disturb   (B) to be disturb (C)  to be disturbed    (D) to  have disturbed

92.  Don't make him___it if he doesn't want to. (A)       do   (B) to do     (C)  doing     (D) that he do

93.  Although he doesn't like most sports, he ___.

    (A)  enjoys swimming and golfing  (B)       is a swimmer and golfs

    (C)  likes swimming and he golfs  (D)  likes to swim and a golfer

94.  In a shop ___  customers.

    (A)  it is important pleasing  (B)     it is important to please

    (C)  there is important pleasing  (D)     there is important to please

95.  Many parents allow their children ___ own decisions.

       (A)  making their  (B) making the  (C)  to make their       (D) to make the

96.  I don't want ___ .

    (A)  that anybody saw me  (B)      anybody to see me (C)that anybody sees me  (D)anybody sees me

97.  There is no use ___ him at this hour. (A)   to call     (B) called      (C)  call  (D) calling

98.  Tom is waiting ___ the doctor. (A)     to see     (B) for to see       (C)  for seeing     (D) for see

99.  I don't like____at me.

       (A)  them shouting       (B) them shout       (C)  their shout    (D) that they shout

l00. The two men___over there heard every word we said.

    (A) who standing   (B) standing  (C) they were standing  (D) stood

101. I don't____the letter but perhaps I read it.

       (A)  remember to see (B) remember seeing (C)  remind to see      (D) remind seeing

102. Our aim is to make the electricity ___ the people better.

       (A)  serve for       (B) serve      (C)  to serve (D) served

l03. He will not be___to vote In this year's election.

       (A)  old enough   (B) as old enough      (C)  enough old   (D) enough old as

104. It is no use ___ theory without practice. (A)     to learn  (B) learning   (C)  learn       (D) learned

105. There will be a lot of difficulties for us ____.

       (A)  overcome     (B) to overcome (C)  overcame     (D) overcoming

106.       I'd never allow my children ___like that.

       (A)  that they behaved       (B) behave   (C)  to behave     (D) behaving

107. I've just finished        my shopping. (A)    to make   (B) doing     (c)    to do       (D) making

108. We are interested in hearing him ___ us the news. (A)     to tell        (B) tell       (C)  told   (D) be told

109. There's time enough____ .

    (A)  to think over it   (B) thinking over it  (C) to think it over  (D) thinking it over

110. He wants___as soon as possible.

    (A)  that this harvester is repaired   (B)       this. harvester repaired

    (C)  that this harvester repairs      (D) this harvester repair

111. Jack was absent this morning because he had his bike____.

       (A)  repairing       (B) to repair  (C)  repaired (D) repair

112. I'm not sure which restaurant ___.

       (A)  to eat on       (B)eating as  (C)  to eat at  (D) for eating

113. The peasants have finished ___ the rice seedlings.

       (A)  to transplant (B) transplanting  (C)  transplant      (D) transplanted

114. I saw her ___ up your book. (A)  to pick   (B) pick  (C) is picking  (D) picked

115. You will find him ___ in the fields.

   (A) worked    (B) to work  (C) working       (D) works

116. There's something wrong with the table. Yes I can____.

   (A)   feel it that it's moving    (B)   touch its moves

   (C)   touch it moving        (D)    feel it moving

117. He has a strong desire____a university student.

   (A) becomes   (B) became   (C) to become    (D) to becoming

118. Why do you stand and watch the milk____over?

   (A) boiling     (B) boiled  (C) from boiling       (D) being boiled

119. This is one of the experiments____in our laboratory.

   (A)   being made  (B) making  (C) having made (D) will make

120. We haven't got a record player. Let's ____.

   (A)   to borrow the Mary's  (B)      borrow Mary's(C)to lend one of Mary   (D)    lend Mary's one

Key to the exercises of the verbals:

       1.    (C)  2.    (A)  3.    (D)  4.    (B)  5.    (D) 6. (A)   7. (A)   8. (A)   9. (A)  10.(C)

       11.  (C)  12.  (C)  13.  (B)  14.  (A)  15.  (B)        16.  (B)  17.  (C)  18.  (B)  19.  (B)  20.  (C)

       21.  (D)  22.  (B)  23.  (A)  24.  (B)  25.  (D) 26.   (D)  27.  (C)  28.  (A)  29.  (D)  30.  (C)

       31.  (C)  32.  (C)  33.  (A)  34.  (A)  35.  (C) 36.   (C)  37.  (C)  38.  (A)  39.  (B)  40.  (A)

       41.  (C)  42.  (B)  43.  (B)  44.  (C)  45.  (B) 46.   (D)  47.  (B)  48.  (D)  49.  (C)  50.  (A)

       51.  (B)  52.  (D)  53.  (B)  54.  (C)  55.  (C) 56.   (A)  57.  (C)  58.  (C)  59.  (D)  60.  (A)

       61.  (C)  62.  (C)  63.  (C)  64.  (C)  65.  (D) 66.   (C)  67.  (A)  68.  (A)  69.  (D)  70.  (B)

       71.  (A)  72.  (A)  73.  (C)  74.  (A)  75.  (D) 76.   (C)  77.  (A)  78.  (A)  79.  (A)  80.  (A)

       81.  (C)  82.  (D)  83.  (B)  84.  (D)  85.  (A) 86.   (C)  87.  (C)  88.  (B)  89.  (A)  90.  (C)

       91.  (C)  92.  (A). 93.  (A)  94.  (B)  95.  (C) 96.   (B)  97.  (D)  98.  (A)  99.  (A)  100.       (B)

       101.       (B)  102.       (B)  103.       (A)  104.       (B)  105.       (B) 106. (C)  107.       (B)  108.              (B)  109.       (C)       110.       (B)

       111. (C)  112.       (C)  113.       (B)  114.       (B)  115. (C) 116.       (D)  117.       (C)  118.       (A)  119.       (A)       120. (B)


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