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keenglish 的博客






2009-08-19 08:15:05|  分类: 默认分类 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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1.       He is a yes-man. I don’t like him. What is a “Yes-man”

A. 唯唯诺诺的人     B 守信誉的人      C 说一不二的人

2. ________ is called big apple. A New York  B. London  C Sichuan   D Tokyo

3. It is a piece of cake. 意思是_______________.

4. UFO的意思是_____________________

5. What letter is an insect _______________

6.black tea 的中文意思是:______________. A 红茶 B 黑茶  C 奶茶

7.Which letter is very useful to a blind woman. ________________

8. How many legs does a spider have? ______________

9 When you see a thief, you should call the number:_____________________

10 What number gets bigger when you turn it upside down? ____________________

11. Things are at sixes and sevens.   “At sixes and sevens” 意思是:

     A 六六七七    B 在六七点钟    C 乱七八糟的,七上八下的

12. A dozen is _______. A six   B twelve    C ten

13. He is a black sheep of his family.  a black sheep means :

      A 一只黑色的羊    B 败家子    C 为家族争光的人

14.What letter is a kind of insect 昆虫?

15. Which country is called “Uncle Sam”? A Britain   B America   C China.

16 What room has no walls, no floors , no windows and no doors?

  A bedroom    B classroom   C mushroom

17 SOS means ______ A help    B be quiet   C it’s dangerous

18 I can’t play computer. I am a _______ hand.

A black   B blue   C yellow   D green

19  Who works only one day in a year? 

A Teacher   B Driver   C Santa Claus    D Bush

20  I have no hands and no arms. But only legs and feet. I am with you at your meals, but I never can I eat. I am a ________________.

21.O I C U means ________________

22. What letter is a kind of drink? ______________________

23. cat=9, panda=2, mouse =5  cat+panda-mouse =_________________

24. What kind of dog doesn’t bite (咬) or bark (叫)?______________________

25. What is it that found in the centre of America and Australia?

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